Lunar phrase, how do I word it or speak of thee?
Swinging, waltzing like a pendulum above restless seas
I was cast away, I was alone and yet won't stay
We've shared a hellish realm, walked with deathly feet
If only for the night that was so blended with the day
Lunar face, I have looked upon thee
Feeling, sensing my desires being drained from me
I cared not, I wished not and yet I lived through
I came back to reckoning and harbored watery depths
Because my soul was deep and mingled with you
If I'm cast away, or the tale I write decays
It will not matter up against such a luminous haze
I will not be counted, never alive in crater or dune
As if a ghost in white as pale as hollow beams
For it would be the wish and ever the way of Lune
Your crater dust, your deathly stare has robbed me
Of everything I hold dear, a life elsewhere being
An ocean's ebb my witness of what was once; the sea
And dust flowing like strands into a Solar plume
And cloaking the uncontained air of night's deity
I'm lost upon a dead surface, where the vacuum is time
And it turns so quickly and aging so rapidly, years combine
Taking away every breath until intertwined with the moon
Numbing every pulse until it no longer recalls gravity
An empty, painless death, the lunar host beckons all too soon
©Iggy 2003
Poetry; writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rhythm. ~ Dictionary Definition. In my givings, poetry is used to tell a few stories of existence, experiences and dreams. A guide to the future and echoes from the past. ~Iggy
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Monday, February 8, 2016
Alien Darkness
Red glowing curtains of dust and fragments of hollow moons sway.
If I knew the name of this course, if I knew the name of this pathway,
In this orbital plain, I'd sense the possible return voyage.
And I'd name it the once traveled unknown,
I'd name it the way into alien darkness alone.
Mirages of matter seem broken off from another age.
Now approaching the sole moon in the extreme outer arm of brown dwarves.
The stunning numbing vastness haunt this space like ominous lords.
This place where no place is but thick solitude in dense empty black.
Canyons of shadow hide giants of argon, then fall.
I observe and count in stellar seconds, legends recall,
This oppressing stillness that mocks back.
A sun collapsed long ago, still the soothing blankets of unfolding mass,
Creep by the sides of the slowest moving elements as they pass.
How could it ever end, this bleak course, this field of cluster's cloud?
Single layers of light emit out of dense star,
And they cast eerily upon carved planets afar.
The lone moon as the dead host on this round.
I've seen the flicker of stars shine while awake.
In this long pathway, I continue and yet break.
A dream I hold that if I view out beyond,
I could see the markers out from surrounding arms,
That close in from billion mile ultraviolet palms.
Oh why has no time passed through in so long?
Inverted now the wavelength slinks away strangely.
Can I see the expanse where it has gone? Maybe vaguely.
The angle isn't the same and the mantle's scattered.
Awry, amiss and backwards flow, what does it mean?
The sole purpose is merely to navigate unafraid of the unseen.
So through alien darkness wherefore discovery mattered.
And though the smallest square distance came to one.
And its full range calculated into safe override and run,
Something keeps pulling the magnetic sides away.
I fear this was one way, cautious maneuvers where no danger exists.
Cautious strands of time ticked out from ship's micro disk.
The very isolation has covered all but the dismay.
The dullest of traces of xenon and dust,
Fall just outside the gravitational metals that rust
I remember soft nights inside earthen chambers deep,
The way fires lit the walls of ancient brick and stone.
And only time seemed the pale force haunting me all alone.
The alien slumber I thought that I'd sleep.
Any change out there sometimes reminded me of shifted core.
That one day in its own time I'd again greet, as before,
The ways of endless void and voyage too long.
I view out beyond, small light echoes with pulsar.
If I could name this pathway I'd name forgetfulness in dead star.
Sadness in cold moon, and alien darkness where no soul could belong.
©Iggy 2001
If I knew the name of this course, if I knew the name of this pathway,
In this orbital plain, I'd sense the possible return voyage.
And I'd name it the once traveled unknown,
I'd name it the way into alien darkness alone.
Mirages of matter seem broken off from another age.
Now approaching the sole moon in the extreme outer arm of brown dwarves.
The stunning numbing vastness haunt this space like ominous lords.
This place where no place is but thick solitude in dense empty black.
Canyons of shadow hide giants of argon, then fall.
I observe and count in stellar seconds, legends recall,
This oppressing stillness that mocks back.
A sun collapsed long ago, still the soothing blankets of unfolding mass,
Creep by the sides of the slowest moving elements as they pass.
How could it ever end, this bleak course, this field of cluster's cloud?
Single layers of light emit out of dense star,
And they cast eerily upon carved planets afar.
The lone moon as the dead host on this round.
I've seen the flicker of stars shine while awake.
In this long pathway, I continue and yet break.
A dream I hold that if I view out beyond,
I could see the markers out from surrounding arms,
That close in from billion mile ultraviolet palms.
Oh why has no time passed through in so long?
Inverted now the wavelength slinks away strangely.
Can I see the expanse where it has gone? Maybe vaguely.
The angle isn't the same and the mantle's scattered.
Awry, amiss and backwards flow, what does it mean?
The sole purpose is merely to navigate unafraid of the unseen.
So through alien darkness wherefore discovery mattered.
And though the smallest square distance came to one.
And its full range calculated into safe override and run,
Something keeps pulling the magnetic sides away.
I fear this was one way, cautious maneuvers where no danger exists.
Cautious strands of time ticked out from ship's micro disk.
The very isolation has covered all but the dismay.
The dullest of traces of xenon and dust,
Fall just outside the gravitational metals that rust
I remember soft nights inside earthen chambers deep,
The way fires lit the walls of ancient brick and stone.
And only time seemed the pale force haunting me all alone.
The alien slumber I thought that I'd sleep.
Any change out there sometimes reminded me of shifted core.
That one day in its own time I'd again greet, as before,
The ways of endless void and voyage too long.
I view out beyond, small light echoes with pulsar.
If I could name this pathway I'd name forgetfulness in dead star.
Sadness in cold moon, and alien darkness where no soul could belong.
©Iggy 2001
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Great walls of marble stood mightily and heralded such deeds of renown
The flight of a thousand wings thundering through airs of vibrant cloud
It was bright and the strength of golden light matched the trumpet loud
Far off glory was felt within the very layers of the richly covered ground
Long the walls stood, for ages the sky shone favorably there
Song never ceased, wonder played melody upon the air
Laughing was the clear ringing from hills of majesty and places so fair
Time turned happily from corners where only harmony would dare
Within its shielded place, a shadow found a way, for it was at length
Grim color came upon once blue sky and the blue was gone away
If feather fall struck from heaven's wing, it drifted also without strength
And a rolling tide came upon shores to drown the marble where it lay
Crushed under the weight of darkness, the overhung clouds in disarray
For an ill tide had turned and fate was beyond its former day
Corners echoed mournfully, the hillside seemed to tell of dismay
The structure fell and with it came down the glory of its true way
Now there swayed a quiet field of grass that whispered of loss
Thick clouds of storm ever brew over gray sides of wall and forest moss
A deepening glow of something radiant has only died with the last frost
Over a steep span of time, there have been but moments of pause
In the silent passes of soft nights, under the covert shade of distress
There are few that remember the sunlight, and string fragments of a nest
And within memory still lives the touch of gentle forest's caress
Though in mournful phrase repeated as if the words may mean less
In silence there passes again another dark night and tear may fall
It'll begin to startle the heart's longing into awareness and recall
And there one sits, bent over a scattered remnant, a broken piece of wall
There one sits, solemn and worn, one handful of dust, alone in the hall
But in those eyes there's a sparkle, a comfort from unknown reaching
And so from another handful of dust hope began to wake, slow yet unceasing
The pieces, though small are placed in a pattern then, started meeting
Soon they fell into a place, now the corner of solitude's more pleasing
I know how small it seems, I have barely made out the shape of notion obscure
But from a distant heap of rubble and erratic upheaval the pattern was sure
As one now continues in one's languorous task, but with purpose and contour
Without a thought to an overhanging gloom, emerging now it begins to be pure
Upon just this, the faintest of all in a world darkened by ill fate
Was this a beginning, now to suffer the mangled dream broken by pain
To hold onto hope of the promise of onward path, for sacrifice had made
Here a corner was formed from ashes, from nothingness, from wall decayed
From the sky and from over the clouds there broke through, a beam
So upon the corner a new light shone and it slowly filled outward, it'd seem
The hillside wove a blanket of green, the rains had become warm, to redeem
And in the sky the shades of all umbra of night gave their dream
Through time and roundabout journey, although slow was the treading and wait
A sense of understanding, sadness and forgiveness stirred at every gate
But in that humble aura of nothingness, of standing full of willing trait
All stones crumble off a solid, firm structure that you create
That whatever be in total emptiness, it's the soul that can rest
The heart that can feel the cries from a battered and long torn crest
It was the foresight to know that nothing is lost forever, although a guess
It was determination to carry on when all else seemed to go into death
The elements of sorrow and then the selflessness of heavy heart
The building of a sense of worth in what was regarded as the bleak afar
Under doubtful resolve, uncertain path and some unseen design and part
A structure made whole, and within a soul the memory of loss can mar
To build something from nothing, recalled back from a long gone age
Of something that no one would dare dream in a blissful haze
Structure manifest from inside, notwithstanding the outside place
Find treasure in lost hints of courage, of long enduring blaze
And it happened, it burst forth like the dawn of a new time, on soft cloud
Great walls stand again, somewhere phrases of song can be heard aloud
How the whole structure returned again, twinkling in a flash, in a sound
A wonder was alive again by a deed where the renowned spirit was found
© Iggy 2000
The flight of a thousand wings thundering through airs of vibrant cloud
It was bright and the strength of golden light matched the trumpet loud
Far off glory was felt within the very layers of the richly covered ground
Long the walls stood, for ages the sky shone favorably there
Song never ceased, wonder played melody upon the air
Laughing was the clear ringing from hills of majesty and places so fair
Time turned happily from corners where only harmony would dare
Within its shielded place, a shadow found a way, for it was at length
Grim color came upon once blue sky and the blue was gone away
If feather fall struck from heaven's wing, it drifted also without strength
And a rolling tide came upon shores to drown the marble where it lay
Crushed under the weight of darkness, the overhung clouds in disarray
For an ill tide had turned and fate was beyond its former day
Corners echoed mournfully, the hillside seemed to tell of dismay
The structure fell and with it came down the glory of its true way
Now there swayed a quiet field of grass that whispered of loss
Thick clouds of storm ever brew over gray sides of wall and forest moss
A deepening glow of something radiant has only died with the last frost
Over a steep span of time, there have been but moments of pause
In the silent passes of soft nights, under the covert shade of distress
There are few that remember the sunlight, and string fragments of a nest
And within memory still lives the touch of gentle forest's caress
Though in mournful phrase repeated as if the words may mean less
In silence there passes again another dark night and tear may fall
It'll begin to startle the heart's longing into awareness and recall
And there one sits, bent over a scattered remnant, a broken piece of wall
There one sits, solemn and worn, one handful of dust, alone in the hall
But in those eyes there's a sparkle, a comfort from unknown reaching
And so from another handful of dust hope began to wake, slow yet unceasing
The pieces, though small are placed in a pattern then, started meeting
Soon they fell into a place, now the corner of solitude's more pleasing
I know how small it seems, I have barely made out the shape of notion obscure
But from a distant heap of rubble and erratic upheaval the pattern was sure
As one now continues in one's languorous task, but with purpose and contour
Without a thought to an overhanging gloom, emerging now it begins to be pure
Upon just this, the faintest of all in a world darkened by ill fate
Was this a beginning, now to suffer the mangled dream broken by pain
To hold onto hope of the promise of onward path, for sacrifice had made
Here a corner was formed from ashes, from nothingness, from wall decayed
From the sky and from over the clouds there broke through, a beam
So upon the corner a new light shone and it slowly filled outward, it'd seem
The hillside wove a blanket of green, the rains had become warm, to redeem
And in the sky the shades of all umbra of night gave their dream
Through time and roundabout journey, although slow was the treading and wait
A sense of understanding, sadness and forgiveness stirred at every gate
But in that humble aura of nothingness, of standing full of willing trait
All stones crumble off a solid, firm structure that you create
That whatever be in total emptiness, it's the soul that can rest
The heart that can feel the cries from a battered and long torn crest
It was the foresight to know that nothing is lost forever, although a guess
It was determination to carry on when all else seemed to go into death
The elements of sorrow and then the selflessness of heavy heart
The building of a sense of worth in what was regarded as the bleak afar
Under doubtful resolve, uncertain path and some unseen design and part
A structure made whole, and within a soul the memory of loss can mar
To build something from nothing, recalled back from a long gone age
Of something that no one would dare dream in a blissful haze
Structure manifest from inside, notwithstanding the outside place
Find treasure in lost hints of courage, of long enduring blaze
And it happened, it burst forth like the dawn of a new time, on soft cloud
Great walls stand again, somewhere phrases of song can be heard aloud
How the whole structure returned again, twinkling in a flash, in a sound
A wonder was alive again by a deed where the renowned spirit was found
© Iggy 2000
A World Of Magic
Let the last wave of sleep and calm mood escape with a sigh
In a space of wooded retreat and silence, I had been afraid
The wastelands are far off where harsh winds of boreal blow high
Darkness surrounds every corner, I couldn't see if shadows were moving
I'd gone away then returned when I felt the stones were dead cold
And found no disturbance amid the vivid azure, and the night soothing
But here within wooded retreat your spell falls upon hidden circle
If I'd been frozen in a dream within subtle hour and beam, I'd sense it
In silent wait, outside dusty horizon of ochre, your sighs in black and purple
For the passage of time was a long pause, a mute lead to creaking door
I have gone through, giving no thought to the opposite
Of another realm outside the solid walkway or the other side of the shore
In the arms of a storm and half its edges beyond, shades of the deep
I grasp the overgrown vines of aged wall and break the secrets therein
Alluringly drawn on parallel paths, strand and shell my hand to keep
We share the diverse paths, we lingered inside conversations, in long spans
Where not a word was uttered, out there on the borders beyond oblivion
In dreams undead, cunningly knowing how to navigate the massive lands
But here in the soft, dark green of new night, a long course of hours remain
A quiet phrase that echoes seemingly near secret chords, of a distant song
I was astonished that you made vanish the cold, shaded cover of wind and rain
No mere sleight of hand that embraces the fires with a pace of rapid beat
Smooth as glass, liquid as pool and humidity as the angles show in the light
Silent depths of blackness fulfilled the obscurity of wooded retreat
The world of waters and green is in disguise, it changes then you realize it's another
It's the same one you knew, but not the one you recall knowing, or one you viewed
Sand and rock form walls that have spaces carved in, was anyone there? You wonder
The world of deserts and red is an illusion, as you see it, for it's really part of a way
There are these sub-existences to them all, there are characteristics so strange
So beguiling but you knew none of it was real, but yet it was, just no words to say
We're in this world, part of its being, of song lifting on ambiguous plains and seas
Casting spells and chants learned back when messages were only what winds could carry
Deep are the wells of wondering, that clearing ways past tombs of old is done with ease
We'll hide in mists not for fear but for time, if we cannot find connecting doors
Streams of flame just outside moon's reach, causing it to turn retrograde
Our delight of unknown pathway, and drained against magnetic cores
You guard a paragon kingdom for hidden treasures in your ultimate disguise
Where in such circles do we follow? Yonder unseen for the obscure and wise
I stand in the gray and bleak, the dark, but see with the sharpest eyes
We always meet outside the known hours, there are never words told
Echoes in emptiness, clinking underwater heard, a depth of canyon unknown
Visiting old shores of faded driftwood and seaweed scattered on abandoned road
So now as I find the ancient wall and bring out secrets, I wait
The night falls, and torches line the halls within, a humid air dominates
I'm somewhere now, but I don't remember somewhere somehow, it's late
Within the scope of a conic sphere in the pyramidic cover over some close world
A muted force is the surrounding factor and you cannot hear but the forest song
For the hours must be days, at length, where creatures haven't burrowed
It will be here in this world of magic, we can speak between night and day
Coming upon some ancient castle when a storm hits and the figure of the tale walks in
A sage-like man who shows all the roadways with tricks of light and shadows, in the gray
He's a king who hides as an Earthbound being, a companion traveler, a skilled navigator
Setting up perimeters to map the world's different plains, that are unstung by the sun
A very willing host, a guide to ethereal doorways and stairs, a star crossing aviator
I call out and the sound bounces off stone in valleys that lay as one of the dead
The sound dissolves into nothing as if nothing had passed from my lips
Proving that not all matter is solid, can be bent, and slips through iron and lead
What words have made the uprooted rocks settle, with no signs of age in them?
Ranges built of stone and within built of moss resting on an orb of ruins
Paths formerly in dreams taken, derelict gates once again begin to waken
By the firesides, by pool and willow, alone and silence once again
Me as one, you as two, we as an arch three would speak the same
But different footsteps and uncounted footfall, the moon will grin
Secret wells brought up for pondering, springs and vales; your crown
For the moon may know and mark turning points if only to vaguely guide
A world of magic on these many levels, and the subdued dream easily drown
In a place where questions are the only answer to indifferent reasons
Under the roofs of fire and marble, a row of airy vessel and magnetic pull
Under strange trees from desert sand somehow, marked by a singular credence
Strange sunlight had shone, now I stand certain as a mere scribe of tale
I will conquer ruins of the dullest forgotten with my own wonderwork
And it will be within reason I take every fold of gloom into caprice pale
Here and now may wither, so let the last sigh of ease escape as I breathe barely
Sensing on each end of vibrant line a quiver of chord struck in the somber night
Where distance and darkness renders a millionfold whispers scarcely
Traveling far and turning around, I look on as if I awoke, with no visible track
The weaved vines from forest floors in their clever design have roamed into light
And a glittery sweeping across the rocky walls, only the emptiness stared back
Thus magic the given illusion, a silver lining, an unspoken forbidden escape
I let myself free outside the bonds of maze and floor, hidden in muted cape
With little power, calm returns and I sleep upon webs of darkness unheeded
Magic is mute but a force terrible and strong, in subtle gist, magic just is
Ebbing echoes of waters, we detect their depth, and the forest has been greeted
The absence of its portals forestall knowing that mythical beings exist
But our communication ever present through, to and fro, forest, land and sea
I let my eyes grow dim, the last sigh of sustained breath escape from me
Your slow tune creeping along moon's funny dread, you see changes in the umbra
You willingly show me all such falsehoods and sing for me; the night
The drawn out hour of weary foretelling, where you're needed, rest in pluma
It's this world of far off impossibilities and vivid azure, that is filled with our light
©Iggy 2000
In a space of wooded retreat and silence, I had been afraid
The wastelands are far off where harsh winds of boreal blow high
Darkness surrounds every corner, I couldn't see if shadows were moving
I'd gone away then returned when I felt the stones were dead cold
And found no disturbance amid the vivid azure, and the night soothing
But here within wooded retreat your spell falls upon hidden circle
If I'd been frozen in a dream within subtle hour and beam, I'd sense it
In silent wait, outside dusty horizon of ochre, your sighs in black and purple
For the passage of time was a long pause, a mute lead to creaking door
I have gone through, giving no thought to the opposite
Of another realm outside the solid walkway or the other side of the shore
In the arms of a storm and half its edges beyond, shades of the deep
I grasp the overgrown vines of aged wall and break the secrets therein
Alluringly drawn on parallel paths, strand and shell my hand to keep
We share the diverse paths, we lingered inside conversations, in long spans
Where not a word was uttered, out there on the borders beyond oblivion
In dreams undead, cunningly knowing how to navigate the massive lands
But here in the soft, dark green of new night, a long course of hours remain
A quiet phrase that echoes seemingly near secret chords, of a distant song
I was astonished that you made vanish the cold, shaded cover of wind and rain
No mere sleight of hand that embraces the fires with a pace of rapid beat
Smooth as glass, liquid as pool and humidity as the angles show in the light
Silent depths of blackness fulfilled the obscurity of wooded retreat
The world of waters and green is in disguise, it changes then you realize it's another
It's the same one you knew, but not the one you recall knowing, or one you viewed
Sand and rock form walls that have spaces carved in, was anyone there? You wonder
The world of deserts and red is an illusion, as you see it, for it's really part of a way
There are these sub-existences to them all, there are characteristics so strange
So beguiling but you knew none of it was real, but yet it was, just no words to say
We're in this world, part of its being, of song lifting on ambiguous plains and seas
Casting spells and chants learned back when messages were only what winds could carry
Deep are the wells of wondering, that clearing ways past tombs of old is done with ease
We'll hide in mists not for fear but for time, if we cannot find connecting doors
Streams of flame just outside moon's reach, causing it to turn retrograde
Our delight of unknown pathway, and drained against magnetic cores
You guard a paragon kingdom for hidden treasures in your ultimate disguise
Where in such circles do we follow? Yonder unseen for the obscure and wise
I stand in the gray and bleak, the dark, but see with the sharpest eyes
We always meet outside the known hours, there are never words told
Echoes in emptiness, clinking underwater heard, a depth of canyon unknown
Visiting old shores of faded driftwood and seaweed scattered on abandoned road
So now as I find the ancient wall and bring out secrets, I wait
The night falls, and torches line the halls within, a humid air dominates
I'm somewhere now, but I don't remember somewhere somehow, it's late
Within the scope of a conic sphere in the pyramidic cover over some close world
A muted force is the surrounding factor and you cannot hear but the forest song
For the hours must be days, at length, where creatures haven't burrowed
It will be here in this world of magic, we can speak between night and day
Coming upon some ancient castle when a storm hits and the figure of the tale walks in
A sage-like man who shows all the roadways with tricks of light and shadows, in the gray
He's a king who hides as an Earthbound being, a companion traveler, a skilled navigator
Setting up perimeters to map the world's different plains, that are unstung by the sun
A very willing host, a guide to ethereal doorways and stairs, a star crossing aviator
I call out and the sound bounces off stone in valleys that lay as one of the dead
The sound dissolves into nothing as if nothing had passed from my lips
Proving that not all matter is solid, can be bent, and slips through iron and lead
What words have made the uprooted rocks settle, with no signs of age in them?
Ranges built of stone and within built of moss resting on an orb of ruins
Paths formerly in dreams taken, derelict gates once again begin to waken
By the firesides, by pool and willow, alone and silence once again
Me as one, you as two, we as an arch three would speak the same
But different footsteps and uncounted footfall, the moon will grin
Secret wells brought up for pondering, springs and vales; your crown
For the moon may know and mark turning points if only to vaguely guide
A world of magic on these many levels, and the subdued dream easily drown
In a place where questions are the only answer to indifferent reasons
Under the roofs of fire and marble, a row of airy vessel and magnetic pull
Under strange trees from desert sand somehow, marked by a singular credence
Strange sunlight had shone, now I stand certain as a mere scribe of tale
I will conquer ruins of the dullest forgotten with my own wonderwork
And it will be within reason I take every fold of gloom into caprice pale
Here and now may wither, so let the last sigh of ease escape as I breathe barely
Sensing on each end of vibrant line a quiver of chord struck in the somber night
Where distance and darkness renders a millionfold whispers scarcely
Traveling far and turning around, I look on as if I awoke, with no visible track
The weaved vines from forest floors in their clever design have roamed into light
And a glittery sweeping across the rocky walls, only the emptiness stared back
Thus magic the given illusion, a silver lining, an unspoken forbidden escape
I let myself free outside the bonds of maze and floor, hidden in muted cape
With little power, calm returns and I sleep upon webs of darkness unheeded
Magic is mute but a force terrible and strong, in subtle gist, magic just is
Ebbing echoes of waters, we detect their depth, and the forest has been greeted
The absence of its portals forestall knowing that mythical beings exist
But our communication ever present through, to and fro, forest, land and sea
I let my eyes grow dim, the last sigh of sustained breath escape from me
Your slow tune creeping along moon's funny dread, you see changes in the umbra
You willingly show me all such falsehoods and sing for me; the night
The drawn out hour of weary foretelling, where you're needed, rest in pluma
It's this world of far off impossibilities and vivid azure, that is filled with our light
©Iggy 2000
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Lunar Creatures
Lonely and barren is what's thought of a place where darker sides of the full moon
reveal what's carved upon the blank face you see.
A mirage of images and scenes merged together, to disturb all the bogs and shores
with a sound that drew closer with the buzzing of a bee.
Courses of water and light have been guided for long eons and
never went over moon's pulling of tidal formations in the dim.
But for far away was there another course of events, the shattering
of the harmony, being bent, distorted, and all at a whim.
Clock ticking and clock unwinding fast, if creatures of the earth do tell
And other lively elements last, there is still no reason to harm the shell
Raging winds descend and dissolve, night echoes its chirping of song and lore
The calm and stillness betrays some forthcoming storm to heed.
reveal what's carved upon the blank face you see.
A mirage of images and scenes merged together, to disturb all the bogs and shores
with a sound that drew closer with the buzzing of a bee.
Courses of water and light have been guided for long eons and
never went over moon's pulling of tidal formations in the dim.
But for far away was there another course of events, the shattering
of the harmony, being bent, distorted, and all at a whim.
Clock ticking and clock unwinding fast, if creatures of the earth do tell
And other lively elements last, there is still no reason to harm the shell
Raging winds descend and dissolve, night echoes its chirping of song and lore
The calm and stillness betrays some forthcoming storm to heed.
Forced to flow, let loose with the span of a night, a moonless night and no more,
until forced currents pulse underneath sway, surpassing lunar speed.
So now, the lonely and barren place, for which has become of meadow
streams like a memory on the sound of an insect's wings.
These lunar creatures were at once a powerful force of nature
befallen under darker times of mankind's things.
Clock ticking and clock unwinding still, the moments of moonsong gone
Other elements sure to be dug up from the hill, echoes of a past eon
Sun and water have come with a season of spring and shone still and treasured
A voice spoke for the emerging sunken roots of leaf and vine.
Moonlit tidal formations stir aloud with might, with such a reckoning unmeasured
These lunar creatures thrive upon each earth-measured line.
Now from the lonely place where there stands no tower, the sky dims
and the winds build up and somewhere far off they rumble.
The smallest of seed and vine reach upward toward the walls in the sky
and tidal flows have witnessed something of a tower tumble.
Rounded circle of time, climbing to full white in each timely design
Sparkling and dazzling the foundations vast, and lively elements last
Like a tunnel of the air, have all the tainted dusts been cleared,
and deep inside earthen crust have rivers been restored.
Lunar tracks have been counted like giant geomorphic lines,
ultimately in a secret gaze have they been explored.
Solar drifts of wave sets and rises in spite of massive collider tumult.
For all the forces of wind and sea, lunar creatures hold.
Like a liquid mirror toward the sky, in the rain reflecting every drop,
nothing was ever in question of the power that nature has told.
Rounded circle of time, climbing with the sound of lunar wings
All is quiet upon their feast they sigh, above the buried of mankind's things
©Iggy 1998
until forced currents pulse underneath sway, surpassing lunar speed.
So now, the lonely and barren place, for which has become of meadow
streams like a memory on the sound of an insect's wings.
These lunar creatures were at once a powerful force of nature
befallen under darker times of mankind's things.
Clock ticking and clock unwinding still, the moments of moonsong gone
Other elements sure to be dug up from the hill, echoes of a past eon
Sun and water have come with a season of spring and shone still and treasured
A voice spoke for the emerging sunken roots of leaf and vine.
Moonlit tidal formations stir aloud with might, with such a reckoning unmeasured
These lunar creatures thrive upon each earth-measured line.
Now from the lonely place where there stands no tower, the sky dims
and the winds build up and somewhere far off they rumble.
The smallest of seed and vine reach upward toward the walls in the sky
and tidal flows have witnessed something of a tower tumble.
Rounded circle of time, climbing to full white in each timely design
Sparkling and dazzling the foundations vast, and lively elements last
Like a tunnel of the air, have all the tainted dusts been cleared,
and deep inside earthen crust have rivers been restored.
Lunar tracks have been counted like giant geomorphic lines,
ultimately in a secret gaze have they been explored.
Solar drifts of wave sets and rises in spite of massive collider tumult.
For all the forces of wind and sea, lunar creatures hold.
Like a liquid mirror toward the sky, in the rain reflecting every drop,
nothing was ever in question of the power that nature has told.
Rounded circle of time, climbing with the sound of lunar wings
All is quiet upon their feast they sigh, above the buried of mankind's things
©Iggy 1998
Mystic Tidings
A single ribbon of light shot out towards me and I watched.
As it drew closer like a sparkling wave, I waited to reach out my hand.
Suddenly the whole matter of its being dissolved, disappeared and was lost.
I wondered at that charm and how its aura wrapped around a single strand.
And then somewhere I knew, it was another mystic tiding made of dew.
Out upon the fields lay a yellow blanket of budding petals bright.
I saw that I stood upon this ground and I took in a breath of air.
I felt that maybe I should run and abound in such a delight.
Far away I heard bouncing echoes, resonating near an empty grey hall bare.
It was not where I had gone, but the mystic tidings I heard all along.
In the dark shadowy trees I walked, but all was sharp and clear.
A single light that was clean and bluish-white had shown near.
Someone was calling out to me and I thought of asking the name.
For although I never saw a face, I felt no death, a breath of fog came.
A figure in a realm, cautious to continue, following a way through.
Rigid roots of twisted wood seemed so long dead and faded.
It was jarring to witness lightning out of thin air upon the bark.
I stood back and watched silently, it was burned away under skies shaded.
Some sense of daring gave me an inner fire, to burn away the dark.
Then out of murky blue, mystic tidings sprang from shallows anew.
A buried stairway climbed silently under deep, deep grounds.
For a while I stared at the carvings in stone and heard no sounds.
Thinking that I should begin to find the other end of these.
In seeing with one look far ahead I saw that the stairs never cease.
Awkward and exhausting, I thought, but why were these stairs wrought?
Tunnels went in rounded turns all about the jungle-like lands.
Each one only a short corridor and then a corner and then another hall.
And while each tunnel opened on parts of the dense foliage of odd plants.
Somehow within the darkness different echoes other than the wild would fall.
Yet everything seems languid and warm, mystic tidings forecast a storm.
Opened like a gaping hole of cold desert dust, a crater was there.
On every horizon was nothing but the presence of empty space and stars.
Every effort of moving was as hard as it was to breath even a trace of air.
Very thin and scarcely formed, a mystic tiding forewarned.
But all the while I had no fear, as if I held all the cards.
I remember roads that had been dug deep into the soil of earth.
Those muggy trails were like climbing uphill in the sand.
Yet they lead to nowhere one could see, no test to limit one's nerve.
Those paths were more like a hidden passageway that could expand.
Under a single footfall of lead, the mystic tidings were read.
Through a massive house of elaborate carvings of wood and walls.
There ran a deep, murky river and it wound itself through all the doors.
And while I thought it was an ill fate befallen such richly halls,
I saw that the house was empty and suddenly felt foreboding under the floors.
Growing dimmer like a swamp by each chime, mystic tidings of proper time.
Within a gaping hole of a freezing crater I stood once again to see.
Dazzled by the luminous sky, I shook off the cold and began.
Out from nowhere a small wave of light rolled as easily as tumbleweed.
Not with any question did I leap from the thickness of dust and ran.
I will try to recall, so the mystic tidings cannot dissolve at all.
I can pinpoint a place or maybe a word I spoke, and with that, I awoke.
©Iggy 1998
As it drew closer like a sparkling wave, I waited to reach out my hand.
Suddenly the whole matter of its being dissolved, disappeared and was lost.
I wondered at that charm and how its aura wrapped around a single strand.
And then somewhere I knew, it was another mystic tiding made of dew.
Out upon the fields lay a yellow blanket of budding petals bright.
I saw that I stood upon this ground and I took in a breath of air.
I felt that maybe I should run and abound in such a delight.
Far away I heard bouncing echoes, resonating near an empty grey hall bare.
It was not where I had gone, but the mystic tidings I heard all along.
In the dark shadowy trees I walked, but all was sharp and clear.
A single light that was clean and bluish-white had shown near.
Someone was calling out to me and I thought of asking the name.
For although I never saw a face, I felt no death, a breath of fog came.
A figure in a realm, cautious to continue, following a way through.
Rigid roots of twisted wood seemed so long dead and faded.
It was jarring to witness lightning out of thin air upon the bark.
I stood back and watched silently, it was burned away under skies shaded.
Some sense of daring gave me an inner fire, to burn away the dark.
Then out of murky blue, mystic tidings sprang from shallows anew.
A buried stairway climbed silently under deep, deep grounds.
For a while I stared at the carvings in stone and heard no sounds.
Thinking that I should begin to find the other end of these.
In seeing with one look far ahead I saw that the stairs never cease.
Awkward and exhausting, I thought, but why were these stairs wrought?
Tunnels went in rounded turns all about the jungle-like lands.
Each one only a short corridor and then a corner and then another hall.
And while each tunnel opened on parts of the dense foliage of odd plants.
Somehow within the darkness different echoes other than the wild would fall.
Yet everything seems languid and warm, mystic tidings forecast a storm.
Opened like a gaping hole of cold desert dust, a crater was there.
On every horizon was nothing but the presence of empty space and stars.
Every effort of moving was as hard as it was to breath even a trace of air.
Very thin and scarcely formed, a mystic tiding forewarned.
But all the while I had no fear, as if I held all the cards.
I remember roads that had been dug deep into the soil of earth.
Those muggy trails were like climbing uphill in the sand.
Yet they lead to nowhere one could see, no test to limit one's nerve.
Those paths were more like a hidden passageway that could expand.
Under a single footfall of lead, the mystic tidings were read.
Through a massive house of elaborate carvings of wood and walls.
There ran a deep, murky river and it wound itself through all the doors.
And while I thought it was an ill fate befallen such richly halls,
I saw that the house was empty and suddenly felt foreboding under the floors.
Growing dimmer like a swamp by each chime, mystic tidings of proper time.
Within a gaping hole of a freezing crater I stood once again to see.
Dazzled by the luminous sky, I shook off the cold and began.
Out from nowhere a small wave of light rolled as easily as tumbleweed.
Not with any question did I leap from the thickness of dust and ran.
I will try to recall, so the mystic tidings cannot dissolve at all.
I can pinpoint a place or maybe a word I spoke, and with that, I awoke.
©Iggy 1998
Dwell In Half Forest And Full Moon
Standing near a hidden stream heard but not seen, water drops fall
Beside the pond of moonlight's mirror, deep as the tree stands tall
The wind slowed and died, it went still, it carried no sound or call
Silence a presence of hushed leaves of forest
Pockets of time only exist here for one hour or twelve is naught
Beneath the round edges casting light, the passing in reflection and thought
And the battles for the day are over and all has been fought
Easiness that softly calms the air of forest
I walk beside a shadowy wall that must be a ruin of fortress
A step slow then back, then softly forth to stay the candle of moon's crest
If you find a restful space of time to sleep so soon
I may pass along the boundary and dwell in half forest and full moon
If you sense my footsteps approaching nearby and then halt
Do not run away and give the bent windflow a sudden fault
The place seems to wait as a host for anyone in this strange cocoon
Of which I have dwelt in half forest and full moon
Scattered glass spheres are embedded along the mesh of twine
Alongside the thick cover of shapeless mass there is weaved vine
In a clearing in the middle of obscure brier one place is mine
One can see round most corners within the light of full moon
The feeling that dominates the air is numbing, senses turning weary
Everything falls so driftingly gentle that any movement is eerie
Listen for any sound and the visual echo in the emptiness looks dreary
Surrounded by the dull night's light of the full moon
I explore a path and walk within a realm that I still know not its name
Maybe I have already decided my fear would be forever tame
And so I dwell in half forest and full moon and maybe I dwell here in peace
And though sometimes the moon cannot be seen over clouds like fleece
I walk under the sky and its luminous haze follow the realm's tone
Dwelling in half forest and the full place of where I stand alone
In such as night only a few can see a passage beyond doom
If it's only that one can dwell in this side of forest and watch the moon
The longest duration through passages in time's wide circles have gone
The deaf like stillness now awaiting the faintest rustle of wind in wood's song
A murmur of spoken reverie longingly portended and half the forest stalls prolonged
In a way which no beginning moment ends, calm is forest
By the edges, the sides within other closures of dark growing thicket and tree
Deep inside uncharted land where destination is lost, there are no clear roads to see
The flutter of muted leaves are held by strange spells or never fell, indeed
I have been all alone in a timeless fold beneath the cover of this forest
One may wander endlessly but still see out beyond here and there
The still but never chill windflow seems to carry out above this air
If you ever come here, join the thought of realm, in peace, if you dare
It's only the full moon that back and forth hovers the forest
Now, as always, the silence settles upon the woven tops, stone and leaf
The hope for rest, a long asleep hour and a long asleep jewel of the eve
All senses are awake but it's dreamlike in the deep of forest call
By the bank of hidden stream heard but not seen, water drops fall
©Iggy 1998
Beside the pond of moonlight's mirror, deep as the tree stands tall
The wind slowed and died, it went still, it carried no sound or call
Silence a presence of hushed leaves of forest
Pockets of time only exist here for one hour or twelve is naught
Beneath the round edges casting light, the passing in reflection and thought
And the battles for the day are over and all has been fought
Easiness that softly calms the air of forest
I walk beside a shadowy wall that must be a ruin of fortress
A step slow then back, then softly forth to stay the candle of moon's crest
If you find a restful space of time to sleep so soon
I may pass along the boundary and dwell in half forest and full moon
If you sense my footsteps approaching nearby and then halt
Do not run away and give the bent windflow a sudden fault
The place seems to wait as a host for anyone in this strange cocoon
Of which I have dwelt in half forest and full moon
Scattered glass spheres are embedded along the mesh of twine
Alongside the thick cover of shapeless mass there is weaved vine
In a clearing in the middle of obscure brier one place is mine
One can see round most corners within the light of full moon
The feeling that dominates the air is numbing, senses turning weary
Everything falls so driftingly gentle that any movement is eerie
Listen for any sound and the visual echo in the emptiness looks dreary
Surrounded by the dull night's light of the full moon
I explore a path and walk within a realm that I still know not its name
Maybe I have already decided my fear would be forever tame
And so I dwell in half forest and full moon and maybe I dwell here in peace
And though sometimes the moon cannot be seen over clouds like fleece
I walk under the sky and its luminous haze follow the realm's tone
Dwelling in half forest and the full place of where I stand alone
In such as night only a few can see a passage beyond doom
If it's only that one can dwell in this side of forest and watch the moon
The longest duration through passages in time's wide circles have gone
The deaf like stillness now awaiting the faintest rustle of wind in wood's song
A murmur of spoken reverie longingly portended and half the forest stalls prolonged
In a way which no beginning moment ends, calm is forest
By the edges, the sides within other closures of dark growing thicket and tree
Deep inside uncharted land where destination is lost, there are no clear roads to see
The flutter of muted leaves are held by strange spells or never fell, indeed
I have been all alone in a timeless fold beneath the cover of this forest
One may wander endlessly but still see out beyond here and there
The still but never chill windflow seems to carry out above this air
If you ever come here, join the thought of realm, in peace, if you dare
It's only the full moon that back and forth hovers the forest
Now, as always, the silence settles upon the woven tops, stone and leaf
The hope for rest, a long asleep hour and a long asleep jewel of the eve
All senses are awake but it's dreamlike in the deep of forest call
By the bank of hidden stream heard but not seen, water drops fall
©Iggy 1998
Friday, February 5, 2016
Tri Terra
Long, unguided dust arms envelop moons and crystal
Flames burn and flames turn and sway
Nebula's blessing dwelling of fire and swelling within ice
Long forward the woken stare, in the twinkling of an eye
A new day of the fire afar and a glimpse of its ray
Around a sun so young and burning slowly
Venus is your first love, though the darkness shutters coldly
Land of lonely light, land encompassed by its might
Steady course follows out in metric circle
Somewhere down below the clouds an orb is glowing
Revolving in pace to clear a score of time and more
Life abounds out of destiny and maybe folklore
They can vaguely see a vague stream in the air flowing
Around a sun so young and burning brightly
This one paradise seems all the solar's pride timelessly
Borne away upon gusty flares, caught within radiant glares
Once long ago, as they began to learn, began to figure and have insight
As they nurtured the woven vine that grew
Far out across celestial plains dimmed what they never knew
Around a sun so young and new
Once long ago, layered air and layered breeze burned white
To make a guess where in the void lies the destiny
Not knowing its magnitude and intensity
From inside the solar wave all ablaze
There the planet appears, a faint, eerie haze
Another twinkling and its details; entwine
Quietly passing, metric reason but seemingly no rhyme
Within a fire since slowed, around the sun aligned
An echo rings out and fades
An echo is almost not heard beyond the solar waves
Far away a sun now aged and powerful in watery pale strands
Nebula's wisdom in lava volcano blasts
Land of molten rock, seething furnaces cooling
Outside a shell, abacus simple, square dimension fusing
Changing under a timeless roof, slowly enough exceedingly vast
Around goes the orb and leads a timeless moon
But stillness lingers while a world awoke, of a cocoon
Land of lonely light, land of moon's night
Out from constellation and boundless void
Supernova breaks apart into smaller stars, whispering distantly low
Great passages of time, that which occurred
May fade, but somewhere it will be again in reason and rhyme
Upon the sleek surface there lies a deathly blanket of snow
Over the endless vortical path the orb begins its thaw
Deep wood and green stood upon the islands with awe
The stone that is fixed and cold, will be tempered to gold
What are those echoes? Silently they are cries
Have you, Venus, ever harbored life? One asks from the blue
Where was the vague, gray glow of a distant moon that is now gone?
Sounds of peacefulness fall and now clamor all around has rule
A destructive force hurls closely towards each dawn
Beneath the air struggles the breeze, flowing heavy and warming
Solar flare and lunar glare called out, none heeded their warning
Already there is profuse rain and crashing thunder
Peeking from the ghosts of Venus, comes now a dreaded wonder
Once long away, there were ancient scenes and legendary folklore
Stillness is here again, just the murmur of sleeping dust, nothing more
What once burned red and then soft white, smoulders as before
So now an echo rings out and fades
An echo is almost not heard, beyond the solar waves
The sun looks out upon a reddish globe
Dense, deep valleys bring vapor and the lands begin to clear
An ice long frozen melts as the sun's mass will warm
Out on the high grounds breaks a violent storm
Two moons waken and turn to peer
Light has splintered as dawn upon the dust
There is a sparkle and a sprouting and grow it must
Powerful and desire, it burns with new designs now in its fire
Water comes into shape and fills the empty, lifeless holes
It shows to be holding many wondrous troves
Long since the vapours clouded all the wintry gloom
Red and deep color of spectrum's plume
Have the skies witnessed a perfect series of episodes
Green and dark, watery blue, nebula is true
Prism's mark, further it grows, wake of life to ensue
Never it sleeps, but always restfully it lies
And out of the deeps, they put hereupon life on four sides
Long since the bitter cold drifted into space
Have there been a few ages upon the once barren face
Upon this world, glowing magma core, this land of Mars,
Have quasars expanded their routes and continued through the stars
Upon this place where darkness hides lightning scars
Molten rock shifted into small mountains now gray
The ashes have turned into pieces of silver spray
And so there is gauzy leaf, and within forest there is coral reef
I wonder, oh distant Earth, if you ever harbored life?
I can hear an echo which never completely fades
Somewhere I can hear something
Something out there, just beyond the
Solar waves
©Iggy 1993
Flames burn and flames turn and sway
Nebula's blessing dwelling of fire and swelling within ice
Long forward the woken stare, in the twinkling of an eye
A new day of the fire afar and a glimpse of its ray
Around a sun so young and burning slowly
Venus is your first love, though the darkness shutters coldly
Land of lonely light, land encompassed by its might
Steady course follows out in metric circle
Somewhere down below the clouds an orb is glowing
Revolving in pace to clear a score of time and more
Life abounds out of destiny and maybe folklore
They can vaguely see a vague stream in the air flowing
Around a sun so young and burning brightly
This one paradise seems all the solar's pride timelessly
Borne away upon gusty flares, caught within radiant glares
Once long ago, as they began to learn, began to figure and have insight
As they nurtured the woven vine that grew
Far out across celestial plains dimmed what they never knew
Around a sun so young and new
Once long ago, layered air and layered breeze burned white
To make a guess where in the void lies the destiny
Not knowing its magnitude and intensity
From inside the solar wave all ablaze
There the planet appears, a faint, eerie haze
Another twinkling and its details; entwine
Quietly passing, metric reason but seemingly no rhyme
Within a fire since slowed, around the sun aligned
An echo rings out and fades
An echo is almost not heard beyond the solar waves
Far away a sun now aged and powerful in watery pale strands
Nebula's wisdom in lava volcano blasts
Land of molten rock, seething furnaces cooling
Outside a shell, abacus simple, square dimension fusing
Changing under a timeless roof, slowly enough exceedingly vast
Around goes the orb and leads a timeless moon
But stillness lingers while a world awoke, of a cocoon
Land of lonely light, land of moon's night
Out from constellation and boundless void
Supernova breaks apart into smaller stars, whispering distantly low
Great passages of time, that which occurred
May fade, but somewhere it will be again in reason and rhyme
Upon the sleek surface there lies a deathly blanket of snow
Over the endless vortical path the orb begins its thaw
Deep wood and green stood upon the islands with awe
The stone that is fixed and cold, will be tempered to gold
What are those echoes? Silently they are cries
Have you, Venus, ever harbored life? One asks from the blue
Where was the vague, gray glow of a distant moon that is now gone?
Sounds of peacefulness fall and now clamor all around has rule
A destructive force hurls closely towards each dawn
Beneath the air struggles the breeze, flowing heavy and warming
Solar flare and lunar glare called out, none heeded their warning
Already there is profuse rain and crashing thunder
Peeking from the ghosts of Venus, comes now a dreaded wonder
Once long away, there were ancient scenes and legendary folklore
Stillness is here again, just the murmur of sleeping dust, nothing more
What once burned red and then soft white, smoulders as before
So now an echo rings out and fades
An echo is almost not heard, beyond the solar waves
The sun looks out upon a reddish globe
Dense, deep valleys bring vapor and the lands begin to clear
An ice long frozen melts as the sun's mass will warm
Out on the high grounds breaks a violent storm
Two moons waken and turn to peer
Light has splintered as dawn upon the dust
There is a sparkle and a sprouting and grow it must
Powerful and desire, it burns with new designs now in its fire
Water comes into shape and fills the empty, lifeless holes
It shows to be holding many wondrous troves
Long since the vapours clouded all the wintry gloom
Red and deep color of spectrum's plume
Have the skies witnessed a perfect series of episodes
Green and dark, watery blue, nebula is true
Prism's mark, further it grows, wake of life to ensue
Never it sleeps, but always restfully it lies
And out of the deeps, they put hereupon life on four sides
Long since the bitter cold drifted into space
Have there been a few ages upon the once barren face
Upon this world, glowing magma core, this land of Mars,
Have quasars expanded their routes and continued through the stars
Upon this place where darkness hides lightning scars
Molten rock shifted into small mountains now gray
The ashes have turned into pieces of silver spray
And so there is gauzy leaf, and within forest there is coral reef
I wonder, oh distant Earth, if you ever harbored life?
I can hear an echo which never completely fades
Somewhere I can hear something
Something out there, just beyond the
Solar waves
©Iggy 1993
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